My approach to supervision is to enable you to reflect on your client work through
your process, recognising your feelings, thoughts, behaviours and general
approach with your client work. I may also challenge, as appropriate, to reflect on
how you relate to your clients and the therapeutic relationship.
I will encourage you to use the space work through any difficulties and
recognise what's going well.
I work alongside Shohet's 'The Seven-Eyed Model of Supervision' as a guide
and format to the supervision process.
The Supervision relationship can develop over time and I can provide you with
a space to reflect, consider how to continue to work with your clients
and explore this together.
My supervision training has included:
- 2009 - Certificate in Supervision
- 2014 - PG Diploma in Supervision
- 2016 - Certificate in skills/theory in Supervision (update training)
I keep up to date with ongoing CPD around supervision in line
with BACP requirements.
I worked as a Supervisor for 10 years with organisations: SYEDA
(South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association), Nottinghamshire Mind and in my
private practice.
In February 2020, I gained BACP Senior Accreditation, after being accredited
since 2012.
In my private practice, I worked with 5 supervisees for 5 years, prior to 2021 –
I took a break from providing supervision for the past 3 years due to
studying for my degree in Psychotherapeutic Counselling. This
degree has given me an update in current thinking, update in theories and ways
of working in professional practice.
I have experience in working with couples and EMDR/trauma work previously and
currently run a private practice working with private clients and EAP's.
I offer supervision to qualified counsellors accredited or working towards
accreditation. I am happy to support in the process
of becoming an Accredited Counsellor/SCOPED requirements, if needed.
I offer an initial free (get-to-know-each-other) appointment up to 30 minutes to
discuss your needs and how we may we work together.