Clinical Supervision


My approach to supervision is to enable you to reflect on your client work through 

your process, recognising your feelings, thoughts, behaviours and general 

approach with your client work.   I may also challenge, as appropriate, to reflect on 

how you relate to your clients and the therapeutic relationship.    

I will encourage you to use the space work through any difficulties and 

recognise what's going well. 

I work alongside Shohet's 'The Seven-Eyed Model of Supervision' as a guide

and format to the supervision process.   

The Supervision relationship can develop over time and I can provide you with

a space to reflect, consider how to continue to work with your clients                      

and explore this together.


 My supervision training has included:

 - 2009 - Certificate in Supervision 

 - 2014 - PG Diploma in Supervision

-  2016 - Certificate in skills/theory in Supervision (update training) 


I keep up to date with ongoing CPD around supervision in line 

with BACP requirements.

I worked as a Supervisor for 10 years with organisations: SYEDA 

(South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association), Nottinghamshire Mind and in my 

private practice. 

In February 2020, I gained BACP Senior Accreditation, after being accredited 

since 2012. 

In my private practice, I worked with 5 supervisees for 5 years, prior to 2021 – 

took a break from providing supervision for the past 3 years due to 

studying for my degree in Psychotherapeutic Counselling.  This 

degree has given me an update in current thinking, update in theories and ways 

of working in professional practice.    

I have experience in working with couples and EMDR/trauma work previously and 

currently run a private practice working with private clients and EAP's. 

I offer supervision to qualified counsellors accredited or working towards

 accreditation.   I am happy to support in the process 

of becoming an Accredited Counsellor/SCOPED requirements, if needed.

I offer an initial free (get-to-know-each-other) appointment up to 30 minutes to 

discuss your needs and how we may we work together.