What is Counselling?
Finding the right counsellor is an important step, the fact that you are here means
that you have already made the biggest step in recognising you would like some
Counselling is a safe space to offload and explore what's going on for you. Counselling is not
about me telling you what to do. It might be helpful to provide you with coping
techniques and strategies to support you to find your own way forward.
I will provide with you my time, commitment and compassion to your needs in a safe and
comfortable environment. In working together, this may ease your distress and worries, by
breaking things down into sizeable chunks.
Counselling may include exploring your past or recognising where low feelings/emotions
maybe coming from. This can support you to evaluate your needs for now and the future.
When considering a way forward, it is natural to experience anxiety or worry about what may
happen, I can provide you with ways to support this and encourage your personal
Counselling room